Hi! Many may know me (FireOnWater) as one of the co-coordinators for Turtle Hill Events, LLC's Beltane, Crossroads, and presenter's liaison for Dungeons & Geekdoms. I also presented and house topped fireplay at many MD events pre-pandemic.

Tempest Hill Gatherings, LLC grew out of a decision to start my own Event Production company. The head of Turtle Hill Events, LLC has given me her support as I step from co-coordinator to Event Producer and move Dungeons & Geekdoms from THE to THG (another shift due to the pandemic). What does that mean for attendees? It means that many of the faces that have supported your events and the pieces of the events that you love will return! Cat will be staying on as a consultant/mentor, and many of the staff plan to stick around too. Many policies, rules, etc. will stay the same at first and the events, being sisters, will communicate with each other, however, we are separate companies. It also means I plan to bring new ideas that I brew up to D&G to grow this event even more kinky and geeky! As a kinky geeky person myself, I am so excited to be Game Master for our weekend of fun and play at Dungeons & Geekdoms!

For those of you who are curious, we are not related to JME

green grass field on hill
green grass field on hill

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Tempest Hill Gatherings, LLC || connect@tempesthillgatherings.com